Author: jarvisclothier

How To Price Your Services

When one starts a business, pricing the services can feel like a nightmare decision. How much is too much? Or too little? And how can we stand out in a saturated market? From my experience working with small businesses in the UK, people tend to feel pricing is a reflection of: All of these can […]

How To Get Your Business Noticed On TikTok

One of the most common questions I an asked is ” Catherine, how do I get my business noticed on TikTok?”. Well, it’s about time I wrote a blog for all you lovely biz brains. Understand your audience When any business owner asks me about a platform I always say the same thing; how does […]

6 Ways Improve Your Website In 15 Minutes

Improving your website can be a straightforward process. These are some of the easiest ways to make a big difference to your site in 15 minutes. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. 6. Get mobile friendly Most website building tools accommodate mobile friendly features – but it’s not an automatic process. Whether you have a Wix, WordPress, […]

Money Mindset Part 1.

What’s Your Relationship With Money? On your internet travels you may have heard the term “money mindset”. When we run a business, money is likely to be on your mind, every single day. This quote, that invoice, chasing late payments or paying the bills. It’s a hum in the back of our heads that rarely […]

Buyer Personality Types

Who exactly are you selling to? Lot of businesses haven’t really analysed their demographics in detail. Buyer personality types play a pivotal role in shaping market trends and influencing business strategies. They buy things differently, which will inevitably change your strategy on marketing, design and point of sale behaviour. Understanding the different types of buyer […]

Save Money: Frugal Tips For Small Businesses

Hello hello, and welcome to the Online Presence Business Blog! In the spirit of January I thought I’d share some money-saving tips for small businesses. With Christmas behind us, it can feel like a good time re-assess costs, outgoings and outsourcing for a prosperous 2024. As a small business owner, you are not only the […]

Why I Opted Out of Black Friday Madness

In a world dominated by big-box retailers and online giants, small business owners like myself often find ourselves at a crossroads during the chaotic shopping extravaganza known as Black Friday. As the holiday season kicks off with a frenzy of discounts and doorbusters, I made a conscious decision this year to abstain from the Black […]

Writing an Effective Business Press Release

A well-crafted press release can be a powerful tool for businesses to generate buzz, attract media attention, and make the most of a wider, organic reach. When done right, new press can certainly reach a wide audience and attract new interest. However, it’s crucial to follow a strategic approach to ensure your press release stands […]

50 Free Social Media Post Ideas

Improve your business value proposition and relevance with these 50 easy social media post ideas. Remember to tailor these ideas to your specific brand and target audience, and always strive to provide valuable and engaging content that resonates with your followers.

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Fear a Saturated Market

In the world of business, a saturated market is often viewed as a red flag. Many entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners shy away from entering such markets, fearing intense competition and a lack of growth opportunities. However, it’s essential to recognize that a saturated market isn’t necessarily a dead end. In fact, it can present […]